Pool Deck Problems? IT'S HOT!
This is definitely the time of the year for burned feet on hot pool/patio decks. What to do? Treat it! How? Easy!
All decks in the desert get very hot this time of year whether you have cement, tile, brick, etc. It all gets to hot to walk on!
The best solution is to apply Kool deck. This is an application that treats your deck for both beauty and comfort for your feet.
Kool Deck® concrete topping. It is a beautiful surface for swimming pool decks, walkways, patios & virtually any foot traffic area. Once applied it generates a colored, textured cement surface that is as strong as the base concrete. Settle for nothing less than the very best. There are a variety of designs, so you have lots of options in the design. Anything from a plain standard deck style, all the way to a stone walkway pattern.
Just call Doug to view all the samples and get a free estimate! (760) 409-3763