Pool Filter Pressure Gauge is High
What Does This Mean?
When the filter pressure gauge is reading higher than normal, this does indicate a water flow problem, but after the pump - not before. It most
usually indicates a dirty pool filter, time to backwash or pull out the filter
cartridge for cleaning. Be careful with
high filter pressure, as filter tanks can rupture with deadly force. Always
keep your hand on the switch and your eye on the pressure gauge when starting a
pool filter - if you see the pressure
spike - to 30, 40, 50... shut off the pump immediately……..
Sometimes, it is better to have a professional look at
your situation. These things can be
really simple……or really not!
of the causes of high pressure are listed below:
- Dirty pool filter
- Closed or partially closed
return side valves
- Plugs left in wall, or
restrictive eyeball fittings
- Filter media (sand, grids,
cartridge) problems
- Broken internal Filter
valve parts (multiport or push-pull)
- Broken internal Filter parts
- Broken internal Heater parts
- Lime deposits inside gas heater
heat exchanger
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Call DOUG 760-409-3763