Salt Water Pool Systems Pros and Cons

When people think of pool filters, they typically picture a traditional filtration system that chlorinates the pool water. Although chlorine pool systems are effective at maintaining a clean and clear swimming pool, chlorine itself is a hazardous material. In concentrated amounts, chlorine can irritate a swimmer's skin and make it very uncomfortable to keep their eyes open underwater. Fortunately, as modern pool filtration systems become more sophisticated, pool owners are able to move away from traditional chlorine filters and install pool salt water systems instead.

Benefits of Salt Water Pool Systems
There are many benefits associated with pool salt water systems. Many people may be surprised to learn that a salt water system doesn't actually mean their pool water becomes as salty as the ocean. In fact, the pool water that runs through a salt water filter still contains chlorine, just in a less concentrated amount. This is because the chlorine is introduced into the system using a process called electrolysis, which actually converts the salt into disinfecting chlorine molecules as it is pumped into the pool. Thanks to this process, pool owners never have to buy store or handle corrosive chlorine products, since the pool salt water system produces chlorine on its own.

Due to the low salt and chlorine levels, water from a pool salt water system is much gentler on the skin and the eyes. In fact, water produced by salt water filtration is much softer than water that is traditionally chlorinated, making for a swimming experience that is far more comfortable and more enjoyable overall. Finally, since the filtration and chlorination occurs in a much more streamlined fashion with pool salt water systems, your pool will likely require less upkeep and maintenance compared to pools outfitted with traditional chlorine systems.

A Few Drawbacks
Before you make the switch to a pool salt water system, you should consider a few drawbacks associated with theses systems. One major consideration is the higher initial cost of the pool salt water system. While you won't have to worry about recurring expenses with your salt water system, it will cost more to have it professionally installed. You should also be aware of the fact that due to the complex nature of pool salt water systems, they often require professionally trained pool technicians to perform maintenance and repairs.

If you're ready to make the switch to a salt water system for your pool, be sure to contact the friendly experts at Pool Problems? today. We can offer helpful advice about which filtration system will work best for your pool, and we'll provide you with a free estimate for your installation and new pool equipment. Contact us today to find out about pool salt water system installation, or our other quality pool services!

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