Pool Plumbing Issues

Like a household plumbing system, sometimes your pool's plumbing may run into an issue that causes it to work improperly, or not at all. Your pool relies on proper water circulation to keep the pool clean and at a proper temperature. If anything goes wrong with this water circulation, you may notice the water quality of your pool starts to decline. Fortunately, if you have an issue with your pool plumbing that needs to be fixed, the experts at Pool Problems? are more than ready to help. There are a few things you can look for to see if there is a problem with your pool's plumbing.

Pressure Gauge
Every pool filter comes equipped with some type of water pressure gauge. If you don't have a gauge located on top of your pool's filter, you may want to invest in one. They are a great indicator of the status of your pool water circulation. For the most part, a pool's ideal water pressure will be somewhere around 20 psi. If you notice a drop or a rise in the pressure level that lasts for a consistent period of time it can indicate a problem. Low pressure can indicate a leak in the pool plumbing at any point in the system. Meanwhile, high pressure can indicate a clog in the system. These issues can be identified and quickly fixed by a professional, but they must be addressed immediately to avoid further issues.

Air Bubbles
Your pool return jets should only ever pump water back into your pool. If you start to notice air bubbles coming from the jets on a regular basis, you might have a broken seal in the pool plumbing. Before you call in an expert, you should check to make sure all caps and connections around your pump, particularly the clear lid on top of your pump, are sealed tightly so air can't seep into the system.

Plumbing issues are not usually a cause for immediate concern, especially common problems like the ones described above. If these issues aren't repaired relatively soon however they have the potential to lead to bigger, more expensive problems. That's why if you suspect an issue with your pool plumbing, be sure to get some expert help to diagnose the problem and make the appropriate repairs. At Pool Problems? We offer free estimates on all of our work, so don't hesitate to contact us if you suspect your pool plumbing may be in need of repairs.

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