Heat Your Pool With Solar Power

 Saving energy brings a number of benefits to any household. Reducing your energy consumption not only means you're helping to preserve the environment. It also means you can expect to save a significant amount of money on your energy bills. One major consumer of energy can be your pool heater. Whether it is gas or electric, you likely see a spike in your energy costs whenever the pool heater gets a lot of use. Fortunately, there is an alternative option when it comes to heating your pool without spending a fortune on energy bills.

Solar Pool Heaters
There are two types of pool solar heating systems that can be found on most residential pools. The main difference between these types of pool solar systems is the material used to make the solar collectors. The first common type of pool solar system is known as an un-glazed system. In this type of pool solar system, the solar collectors are made from heavy duty black rubber that has been treated with an ultraviolet light inhibitor to keep the rubber from shrinking or cracking due to constant exposure to the sun. These systems are usually best suited when a pool is only used in warmer seasons or temperatures.

The next pool solar heating system is known as a glazed system. This is the more expensive of the two options, but due to its construction and materials used to make it, the glazed system is far more versatile and long lasting. The solar collectors are made of copper tubing and aluminum plate which is covered by tempered glass. Thanks to its design, the glazed pool solar system works in colder temperatures, and captures and distributes solar heat more efficiently.

How it Works
A complete pool solar system works in a way that is very similar to more traditional gas or heat pump powered pool heaters. Instead of generating power from a natural gas or electrical source however, solar collectors attract energy from the sun and use it to heat the water as it passes through other pool equipment such as the filter and pool pump. Typically, the solar collectors are installed directly on the roof of a house, or in an open area on the property near the pool, where they can attract the most possible sunlight in a given day.

Water is pumped through the pool filter by the pool pump, but before the water is circulated back into the pool, it is diverted through the solar collectors which have been heated by the sun. As the water passes through these collectors, it is heated to a temperature greater than the pool itself. Many pool solar systems are outfitted with sensors that check the temperature of the pool water as it passes through the solar collectors. When these sensors register a water temperature that is similar to the pool temperature, an automatic valve diverts the water away from the solar collectors so it can be circulated directly into the pool, thus saving energy and ensuring the pool remains at a set temperature.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can make the switch to a solar pool heating system, make sure you get in touch with Doug at Pool Problems? as soon as possible. We will be happy to answer your questions, and we can offer a free estimate on your new solar pool heater installation. 

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