Pool and Spa Main Drain Repairs

While it is often referred to as a main drain, the main drain in your pool or spa doesn't actually let you empty your pool or spa. Instead, this 'drain' allows for water to be pumped out of the pool and through the plumbing system. Water that exits through the main drain is often sent through a filtration system that is controlled by your pool or spa pump and returned via your pool or spa jets or inlets. If something should go wrong with your pool or spa main drain such as a clog or cracked pipe, this can lead to some major inefficiencies with the rest of your pool's equipment. Since the main drain is usually located at the lowest point of a pool or spa, it may not often get as much notice when something goes wrong. To help you determine when it's time to call for pool and spa main drain repairs, take a look at some examples of common issues listed below.

Increased Suction
Sometimes a main drain will remove water at an accelerated rate because another one of your pool's intakes is clogged or impeded. If you notice an increase in the level of suction coming from your main drain as you swim or walk over the main drain in your pool or spa, it could be an indication that there is a significant clog elsewhere in your pool or spa plumbing system. Too much suction from one intake drain can actually become a safety hazard in the pool, as swimmer's feet or other body parts can be sucked down by the drain, which can potentially lead to drowning or other injuries. To solve this problem, shut down the pool pump and take a look at your skimmer intakes to make sure there isn't an obvious clog. If you can't find a cause of the clog, it is best to contact a professional to perform the proper repairs before you activate your pump again.

Groundwater Issues
In-ground pools in particular can sometimes be susceptible to damage caused by groundwater pressure. If your pool's structure is built below a groundwater table, the main drain can provide relief from the pressure of the water pushing up against the bottom of your pool. Without a properly working main drain to relieve this pressure, groundwater has the potential to crack your pool's underground plumbing, or even the concrete pool shell itself. To avoid this, make sure your main drain is equipped with a pressure relief valve that features a floating ball that allows water to slowly rise from underground through the main drain, rather than forcing the water to put pressure on the pool or the underground pipes. When a pool is filled the pressure of the pool water forces the ball valve down which keeps water from seeping out of the pool into the ground. If you have a pool that is built below the groundwater table you may want to have a professional pool technician confirm the main drain does in fact have a built-in pressure relief valve. If not, it is best to install the valve as soon as possible.

Capped Main Drains
Some pool owners may not even be aware of whether or not their pool or spa's main drain is capped. There are cases where a main drain has been capped due to problems with leaks, but this is only meant as a temporary solution. If your pool or spa main drain is capped, it can actually force your pool pump to function far less efficiently than it may be capable. It is usually clear whether or not your pool main drain is capped, and you'll be able to see whether or not the drain is open by looking at the point where the main drain was installed, and feeling if that point is drawing water in or not. An experienced professional pool technician will be able to determine whether or not you need to uncap your pool or spa main drain, and can often perform the appropriate repairs that may be required before the drain can be reopened.

If you are unsure about the state of your main drain and are looking for an experienced professional to assess its state, be sure to contact the team at Pool Problems? for all of your pool and spa main drain repair needs today.  

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