Benefits of Solar Pool Systems

Clean energy is on the rise across North America as environmental awareness and conservation start to become a universal priority. Many people are turning to such things as high-efficiency household appliances and alternative fuel cars in an effort to save energy as well as the environment. One method of energy conservation that is less well known has to do with pool heaters. Traditional pool heaters are often powered by natural gas or even electricity. While these heaters usually do a good job of keeping water temperature regulated in a pool, they are more costly in the long run in terms of money and their environmental impact. A good alternative to traditional heaters that can help pool owners save money and energy happens to be a solar pool heating system.

Low Maintenance
A solar heater for any size pool rarely requires any type of maintenance, unless something actually breaks with the system itself. There are no complicated electrical or mechanical components involved in a solar pool system, and the components that are present in a solar pool system can be easily repaired or replaced.

Energy Savings
Whether your traditional heater runs on gas or electricity, the energy bills will keep adding up throughout its lifespan. When you consider the cost of having a traditional heater installed, plus the ongoing energy bills, a solar pool heating system starts to look a lot more enticing. A typical solar pool system will cost between $3000 and $4000 to install. After installation is complete, you won't have to worry about an impending spike in your energy bills, as the solar pool heating system relies entirely on the sun and your existing pool pump to heat the pool efficiently.

Low Profile
Unlike a traditional heater that requires a noisy mechanism to function, solar pool heating systems won't add any additional noise in your yard. With a solar pool system, you can relax in or around your pool without ever having to worry about a loud humming in the background.

Environmental Benefits
Lastly, a solar pool system has practically no environmental impact. As solar is the cleanest form of renewable energy, pool owners can rest assured that heating there pool each season will not make the carbon footprint of their household grow in the slightest. Solar pool heating is truly emission free and the most environmentally friendly way to heat any sized pool.

To find out how you can make the switch to a solar pool heating system, be sure to contact Doug at Pool Problems? today for a free estimate. 

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