Solving Minor Pool Skimmer Problems

One of the most vital components of any type of swimming pool happens to be the skimmer. Practically all of the water in your pool passes through the skimmer on its way to being heated and/or filtered before it is discharged back into the pool. Because of this fact, it is important to always ensure your skimmer is able to function properly. Without a properly installed, connected or functioning skimmer, your pool water quality will rapidly decline, and you may end up stuck with some hefty repair costs that go towards correcting the issue. Fortunately, most major problems encountered with pool skimmers start out as relatively minor issues that can be easily corrected before they become too extensive. The trick is knowing how to spot these minor problems and solve them in a timely fashion.

As your pool pump runs and circulates water through your pool plumbing system, a kind of suction is created at the skimmer intake. This is the starting point of your pool water circulation system, and it is extremely important for the skimmer filter basket to be cleared regularly of debris so water can be circulated efficiently at all times. It is best for pool owners to get in the habit of clearing their skimmer baskets of debris at least once a day, regardless of the amount of debris that ends up caught in the filter basket. If you are already in the habit of clearing your skimmer regularly but are encountering issues, you might want to try some of the following tips to identify and solve what could be just a minor problem.

As we stated before, the water circulation process in your pool starts with the skimmer intake. If air ends up in the pool plumbing system, one of the likeliest causes is low water level around the skimmer. Typically you should maintain a water level in your pool that covers at least two-thirds of the skimmer intake opening. That way you will most likely never have air circulating in your pool plumbing, which can cause your pump to run inefficiently and can even damage your pool equipment. If the air continues to come out of your pool discharge jets, it is likely caused by a loose pipe connection which a professional can quickly identify and repair.

The main things to always be on the lookout for when it comes to preventing minor issues with your pool skimmer from becoming major problems are the water level and amount of debris in and around the skimmer filter. If you notice your skimmer is still acting up despite a clear filter basket and an adequate water level, you should contact the experts at Pool Problems? for help. Our team specializes in identifying problems and finding solutions for any number of issues with pool plumbing or electrical systems, pool equipment and pool skimmers. To find out more, or to get a free estimate, be sure to contact Doug at Pool Problems? today!

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