Identifying and Removing Pool Stains

 A bright and clean pool can be a real asset to any property when it comes to enhancing the look and appeal of a space. Unfortunately, since most pools are located outside, they are susceptible to some type of staining in their lifespan. There are multiple types of possible causes for certain stains in and around pool deck surfaces, and not all of them can be safely cleaned using the same chemicals and techniques. To help pool owners get a better idea about exactly what type of stain they happen to be dealing with, we have prepared a brief guide below.

Common Pool Stains
For the most part, there are two types of stains you will encounter on your pool deck and/or liner from time to time. The first is known as an organic stain. These stains are usually caused by any organic material that happens to end up in and around the pool. Things like leaves and berries from trees that fall and land on the pool deck will leave a stain if they are left sitting for a few days. The other common pool stains you're likely to find are caused by metals. Things like iron, copper, and manganese are all known to cause certain types of stains on pool decks and surfaces. These stains range in terms of color and how difficult they are to remove, as some stains set in more quickly than others.

Organic Stain Removal
In general, organic stains are easier to remove compared to metal stains on a pool deck. Chlorine is the best chemical to use when getting rid of organic stains. For spot removal, you can apply a small amount of chlorine directly to the stain to wipe it away. For more extensive organic stain issues on the pool waterline or around the pool liner, you might consider raising the chlorine level of the entire pool and periodically brushing the stains away. While this can be effective, it is also labor intensive. To save time and hassle, you might want to call the team at Pool Problems? to help with all of your organic stain removal needs.

Metal Stain Removal
Most metal stains require a bit more effort to clean completely. More often than not a metal stain on a pool deck surface is caused by a chemical imbalance in your pool water. If the water holds a concentrated level of dissolved metal particles such as copper, iron or manganese, stains can occur when pool water is splashed onto the deck and left to pool and dry. For spot removal, you can apply a metal stain remover and brush away the stain. If the issue is more extensive you may want to enlist some professional help. At Pool Problems? we will not just clean your pool deck stains. We'll also test your pool water to determine what kinds of metals in the water are causing the stains to occur.

For more information about removing stains from your white plaster, pebble, tile or concrete pool deck surfaces, be sure to contact the experts at Pool Problems? today! 

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